Is my data safe on Releese? Is my data safe on Releese?

Is my data safe on Releese?

Maxence Pepin Maxence Pepin

In a world where cyber security is becoming increasingly complex and the risks of a breach can be catastrophic, we were posed with the challenge of keeping every single user on our platform safe, and their personal information secured and inaccessible.

Our data is backed up every hour, encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption keys, and our company has extremely strict access to information with a known-less approach. We keep track of the security community and their outputs and upgrade our service to fix vulnerabilities and constantly make sure we are using the best technologies possible.

All transmissions to and from Releese, including sign-on, are encrypted at 256 bit and sent through TLS 1.2.

All files are hosted in a secure physical location in multiple data centers operated by Google Cloud in Canada.

Releese is a highly available service that you can count on, we take all necessary measures to ensure our product is secure and has a high uptime and keep doing infrastructure upgrades and maintenance without any downtime.

Any employee that has access to the Releese databases are strictly unauthorized to access any personal information or view any customer data. These employees only have access to these databases to increase performance and storage capacity.