How do I turn off my notifications on Releese? How do I turn off my notifications on Releese?

How do I turn off my notifications on Releese?

Maxence Pepin Maxence Pepin

Working in real-time with collaborators and your own team can prove to be a challenge when not using the right tools but can also become heavy and take a toll on mental health when you are constantly receiving communications, updates and requests.

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When you sign up for Releese, all notifications are automatically enabled for in app notifications and email notifications. You will receive a communication on both mediums for

- Collaboration invitations
- Task updates
- Task assignments
- Billing updates
- Account updates
- Product updates
- New team member arrival
- New message
- New general notifications

Luckily, these settings can be tuned and fine grained at all account tiers. Simply head to your settings in the right-hand panel, under notifications and adjust in app and email notifications separately. You can also pause notifications entirely if you feel like it in one click.

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If you own an organization and one of your teammates has disabled his notifications, please be mindful of their mental health as they might have a reason for doing so.

Happy building!